Our Mission in Gurnee

The sole purpose of this clinic is to serve the Gurnee and surrounding areas a vision of true health. Health is merely not the absence of disease or infirmity but the expression of life itself being that of optimal, physical, mental, and social well-being. Here at Back 2 Health, we want you to overcome obstacles in your life and regain the confidence to face the day using chiropractic in Gurnee.
How We Will Fulfill Our Mission Statment in Gurnee
So how do we propose to do this?
We will utilize massage, gentle traction therapy, specific chiropractic adjustments, nutritional counseling and acupuncture. The first method of care is massage and gentle traction therapy; The goal of this treatment is relaxation of muscles and the removal of fixations to make the spine more flexible. When flexibility is improved there is more movement achieved which results in increased blood flow to the disc and is a real disc saver.
Next we will use gentle chiropractic adjustments to take pressure off of the nerves. The goal of this treatment is the removal of subluxations which contributes to nerve interference and balancing the body structure. After this treatment, we will incorporate the use of acupuncture to balance the bodies energy. We will have the ability to use both needles and needleless electro-acupuncture it is painless and does a wonderful job of promoting healing in all tissues.
People then ask what is acupuncture. Simply put, there is a two-way communication between the skin and all organs, glands, and tissue of the body, by stimulating certain skin points, the progress of the condition can not only be arrested but even reversed bringing the patient Back to Health with normal function. It has been said that I help people in pain move from dysfunctional to functional and I can help people who are functional go to fantastic.
Contact Back 2 Health in Gurnee to schedule an appointment for chiropractic treatments and acupuncture today.